quinta-feira, setembro 22
Do you know what am I feeling? I feel the biggest feeling someone can feel. Yes, I know, I repeated many times the word "feel" (and I'll still repeat it a little bit more), but that's the truth. I feel special and important for someone, someone who cares with me, who cares about what's going on around me. An unforgettable feeling, really unique. There are no sufficient words on this world to describe what I'm feeling right now, but I guess the most next one is love. I feel different, different than some time ago. Now I wake up and get up thinking on one person, and only. She is my strenght to go on, to go for my dreams. I don't stop looking forward, because of her. One of my dreams is open my eyes, wake up in the morning and see her beside of me. That really would be so fucking perfect. I wish I could touch her every moment, every second really. I'm not feeling alone anymore, now I've found someone to keep on going with me, on this life which reserves lots of obstacles. I wanna see her eyes every morning, every night. I wanna also marry her. Yes, I want it, and no one will change my mind about it. I wanna have a home with her, have a family. I wanna be beside of her until my life is through. And now, I've made my mind up, finally. Now I just want this feeling to last forever.
terça-feira, setembro 6
Andei desacordado por ruas desniveladas e espúrias, incrédulo de que o tempo pudesse estar nivelado ao presente à minha volta. Lugar escuro, sombrio, morto. Lembrei de minha indecente, estúpida e inútil capacidade de me perder, e o fiz. Assim foi. Andei perdido e sem rumo por becos imundos e úmidos e por ruas vazias e atordoantes. Estava descalço. As únicas formas de vida que podia ver eram estranguladoras enroscando-se em árvores podres e moscas zunindo aos meus ouvidos, mas eu nem ligava. À frente, leste, o Sol começava a erguer-se, e sua luz captada por minhas pupilas dilatadas pelo escuro desatinava meus pensamentos. Mas eu estava feliz, feliz por ver que o Sol voltara a nascer. Feliz por sentir seus raios lentamente penetrando minha epiderme e deslizando suavemente através da derme, fazendo eu me lembrar que ainda estava vivo. Acordei. Minha caminhada fora apenas um sonho, mas eu permanecia feliz, porque mesmo sendo um sonho, o Sol realmente voltara a nascer por trás das colinas, e sua luz irradiava meu quarto, atravessando as ventanas entreabertas.
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