sexta-feira, julho 8

January 10th, 02:42 AM. I was walking on the street, with no route. It was dark, very dark. Houses resembled monsters. I was alone, and I've forgotten what I was looking for. I kept on walking, and found a showcase of a book store. Inside that glass I saw something at least interesting: a vampire in the front page of a magazine. Immediately, I reminded what Phillip told me: "Everyone is a vampire. People just have to know to control them. When people surrender to discord and anger, when people lose their will to live, when people are able to see only the dark side of things, and when people sell their desires to fall down in their lives, the vampires who exist inside of them are awake. They convert all this anger into power, and release it soon after, destructing the personality of their owners. Vampires are not different creatures, even monsters aren't. The world is full of monsters, and full of idiocy. This idiocy releases the anger, and as a consequence, a vampire is released together it. It's quite possible to control them, the only secret is: ignore the ignorance. That's all. That will make you get safe of all this terror. But, the worst thing is that it's a vicious cicle, a cicle without end, which is never over. The motive for it to happen is very simple: as you should know, a vampire never dies, and the vampire transformation is genetic. This means that a child of a vampire will be a vampire too, and the heirs of their anger will be stronger than their vampire parents".
So, I kept on walking again, but this time I couldn't stop thinking: "will I be able to control the vampire inside of me? Will I be able to save me from my dark side of myself?" I really couldn't stop thinking about that.

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