quarta-feira, julho 27

 - Who are you?
- ...
- Who are you?
- ...
- Say it!
- ...
- Tell me who you are!
- I'm Reitan! Reitan Bill Hunt.
- How old are you, Reitan?
- Fifteen.
- How long are you fifteen?
- Fifteen years.
- Who are your parents?
- I've never met them... I grew up lonely.
- Where are you from?
- I'm from Rio. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- You're lying.
- How?
- In this paper I'm holding it is written you were born in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
- I hadn't the knowledge about it.
- Whose is this?
- This what?
- This locket I'm holding.
- I don't know.
- It has some words on its side... let me read it loudly.
- Ok.
- The owner of this locket is the one who's alive in name of the Olympus. Once it's found, the owner can be revealed with a weak touch in the forehead of the suspect. If the locket glows... you found the owner.
 - Ok, and...?
- Take this!
- Wow! You beat it in my forehead! Don't you know it hurts? You're so... What's that?
- It's glowing just like a lightning. Listen! There is a bass sound of people laughing...
- ...
- So, I finally found you! You're the owner of this locket, and the heir of olympians's blood.
- No... No, I'm not! This locket's deceiving you! I'm just a... just a sucker guy with no family, with no route, who's hated by the most of the teenagers from my school.
- Listen, Reitan! You're the sent one! You're the choosen one!
- I'm not! What a drug! I'm just a guy in denial!
- Touching, but you aren't only it, and you know very well.
- Yes, I'm the choosen one... the choosen one to be hated, and despised...
- Reitan... Grab it!
- What?
- Hold the locket in your hands, please.
- ...
- Please!
- Ok... Gimme this drug.
In this moment, Reitan holds the locket, and it starts glowing increasingly more.
- What's happening?
- Well as a thought! Look at that! The locket's floating!
And the locket explodes into colored flames, which enter in Reitan's heart, and disappear soon after.
- ...
- ...
- Oh...! By the gods' love!
- I'm a... I'm af...
- You don't need to be afraid. It's not gonna hurt you.
- ...
- It was so...
- Beautiful!
- Yes. I hope you understand it and agree with me now, Reitan... you're the choosen one!
- The choosen one for what?
- Please come with me, I'll explain you a bit more, and...
- ...And?
- I'll be your trainer.

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